Saturday, June 8, 2013

Celebrates Lateral Movement

WARNING: What you are about to read has not been edited by my, um, editor. She is on a girls trip in Palm Springs and probably can't see so good at the moment.

Thursday night, however, we pretended Thursdays are the new Friday and cracked something on the nicer side to celebrate the finer things in life.
"This calls for the bubblay!"
I'd been offered a new position at a different site. Same gig, new building, and I was (am) excited about it. So, filet time it became. And with filets (and grilled carrots ((no typo. they're $)), grilled taters, non-grilled tomatoes and corn on the cob) I pulled my last bottle of Minassian-Young from the shelf. Sniff sniff.

Note to self: Time to go to Paso! I know I could order online HERE but I love going up there. Need to get back soon.

Anyway, the last remaining MYV bottle was:

Minassian-Young Vinyards 2009 Black Saint Peter $25
(58% Zinfandel, 24% Mourvedre, 12% Tannat, 6% Cinsault)*

It was absolutely phenomenal. 

Initially, without food, seemed a tad on the sweet side, as a few of their 09 Zins tended to be, but once it opened up and the beef and the veggies and the OH the deliciousness! Rich and ridiculously smooth. 

How this wine, and all of their wines, is only $25 I will never know (unless I ask). But it is some seriously awesome bang for the buck. 

Grade: A-

* Blending percentages were pulled from the MYV website for the 2010 bottling. They may not be accurate for the 2009 Black Saint Peter.