I discovered a post positive COVID positive. Walking through a mid-2 star Laughlin, Nevada casino, second handedly taking in a carton of cigarettes in 18 minutes and not being able to smell a thing, was better than having a sense of smell. So I got that goin' for me,
which is nice.
While my taste buds aren't quite back to firing on all cylinders, I decided to consume a few beverages that had been on the refrigerator shelf for a while. I've been dabbling in the hard Kombuchas lately, liking June Shine the most, but not so much the other brands I've tried. Again, since I can't quite tell the difference, they were tasty enough when I revisited.
This got me thinking, 'I should drink the wine...' Hold on. Moment of truth. I'm coming clean. Reluctantly.
I (we, Beth included) are not fans of sweet red wine. So, if you've been kind enough over the years to gift me a Stella Rosa, or something similar, we've either shared with friends who enjoy said sweet wines, re-gifted it, or it's still in the pantry. But it IS the thought that counts, so thank you. Whew, glad to get that off my chest. Moving on....
But what if I never drink the wine? Like, ever? Which led to, what do you do with long shelf lasting wine? Throw it away, eventually? Re-gift it? Then I started thinking about stores and bars. Do they keep marking it down until, eventually, someone will buy it? Bevmo's 1 cent wine deal, anyone? Do they ship it off to adults in need overseas like they do with merchandise of the runner-up to the Tom Brady Trophy every February?
Relax, Eagles' fans. I know he's lost a Super Bowl. The entire trophy is named after him now. Not just when he wins his own trophy, which is just about always.
Moving on. So, somehow on my new commute, which is longer than my previous commute, I made a connection to music and wine. Go figure. Listening to SXM I get re-introduced to some tunes I hadn't heard in a while. For example the other day on the grungy rock station, Lithium, I heard an old, semi-obscure Smashing Pumpkins song, "Rocket." Awesome tune that I hadn't heard in probably 20 years.
A new thing I've started on my commute, which is longer than my previous commute, is I pick an album that I haven't listened to in forever and play it start to finish. I haven't done this too many times yet, but plan on taking more frequent deeper dives.
The revisit of the Pumpkins album did not disappoint. What a brilliant compilation. Still holds up.
Jane's Addiction's, (no, I'm not listing the, "Nothing's Shocking," album simply because you didn't visit this blog to see boobs) "Ritual De Lo Habitual," didn't quite re-deliver like I had predicted. The great songs were still great. But those forgotten tunes, eh, too anthemy and Perry Farrell's voice just got to be too much.
Here's where you come in. But before I share that, I am fully aware that:
1.) this may not be at all of an original thought. I've never clicked on it, but have seen The Rewatchables, a movie review podcast, pop up on Twitter. I might kinda be copying that concept.
And 2.) this could violate my own jukebox rule of owning a restaurant or bar. Yes, Beth and I have these, "if we ever owned a restaurant, we'd..." conversations all the time. I don't think it's really a goal or dream of ours because the thought of entering week 5 of the restaurant biz and no weekend or vacation in sight sounds less than good. But we do talk about what would be on the menu. And ambience. Specifically how, I'll be damned if I'm gonna let the guy that's been both day and night drinking solo at the end of the bar chose the music for the entire establishment. I've been at my local, identity confused, shit-show of a tavern, T's, and heard the juke go back-to-back from Jason Aldean to Warrant. It wasn't pretty.
I've also experienced first hand how a sweet sounding, poolside playlist can get hijacked by a friend feeling now is the perfect time to share with the group the solo artist no one else has heard of but they used to watch at a dive bar of their college town, and feel confident the rest of the pool crowd has been missing out for the past 25 years. That wasn't pretty either.
lol, now every friend that's been over and caught a beautiful mid-day-pool-time buzz is wondering, "did I do that?" The answer is no. I cut them out of my life. Kidding. It might have been you. You're forgiven.
But I have faith in all of you. Some faith. And I realize I don't really have to commit to anything. So, what "it" is: I'd like for your participation in replying to this post, the name of an artist or band and the album you recommend for my daily drive. Be serious now. It will forever be a reflection of how I view you and help guide if we ever invite you over again for dinner!